This is a growing trend, which mainly attracts young people in certain professions, such as IT, medicine or nursing, mechanics, etc. It is difficult to talk about future trends, as there are a significant number of actors and factors that are intertwined. Depends on the: migration policies of host countries, the measures and strategies of the countries of origin to keep talented and professional young people in the country or to attract to the country the young people who have left temporarily.
I think that Albania is gradually turning into America Cell Phone Number List a transitory country and there are signs that it will turn into a host country for immigrants from other countries in the not-so-distant future. We have seen this trend materialize in many cases and countries. Albania has no reason not to follow the same trend. The arrival of immigrants from other countries will hopefully balance and address to some extent the loss of human capital. Many experts confirm that after the pandemic, emigration will be even higher. Do you also stand by this opinion? What immediate policies can we undertake to keep the youth and the educated population in the country?With recent geopolitical developments, I don't think there will be a significantly high trend of population departures.
There seems to be an anti-globalist tendency to reinforce borders and preserve the status quo. Read: Immigration, the curve that does not go down Migratory trends in Albania will depend on the demographic and economic policies of the destination countries. However, we cannot deny that there is a crisis of human capital and an ever-increasing need of the private sector for professionals, especially in some fields. It is precisely the private sector that can have a positive impact on reducing the migratory trends of young people, creating better working conditions, offering higher wages.